Marcus Ammon
Bavaria Fiction is currently working on reorganizing its leadership team. Marcus Ammon is set to join the company as Managing Director Content. "Marcus Ammon stands for successful productions with an outstanding reputation, developed in Germany,” Karoline Meichsner-Sertl, Chairwoman of Bavaria's shareholders' board said.“With him, Bavaria Fiction gains further creative strength. The shareholders of Bavaria Fiction are excited to work with Marcus Ammon – and to his support from the entire creative team."
Ammon is set to oversee the company's entire content catalog, contributing to tasks such as the development, acquisition and exploitation of TV, streaming and film programmes, including casting, and PR/marketing. After five years at Bavaria Fiction, Manfred Haus-Pflüger will depart the management team once the financial year is completed.
Managing Director, Jan S. Kaiser will be tasked with all production and finance aspects of the company, managing contractual matters and taxes. “In the current upheaval of the media landscape, Bavaria Fiction is faced with the challenge of securing its core business of commissioned productions for the public broadcasters on one hand and expanding its portfolio in the growth areas of non-linear programmes on the other,” Kaiser said.
Ammon's appointment to the management of the company strengthens the transformation of Bavaria Fiction as a content producer across the entire range of fictional programmes for national and international as well as linear and non-linear markets. To strengthen its non-linear programming division, Nina Maag was recently appointed to the newly created position of Head of High-End Streaming Content. She will now also become part of the Creative Board, which coordinates all of Bavaria Fiction's programme development and exploitation activities. Additional members will be announced in the near future.
Ammon previously worked at Sky Deutschland Fernsehen, where he was most recently Senior Vice President Original Production. Before joining Sky, Ammon was Managing Director of MGM Networks (Deutschland) from 2003 to 2009. From 1999 to 2002 he worked for Universal Studios Networks Germany. "I have always been fascinated by the aura that surrounds Bavaria and it is a great honour to help shape the future of this company, which has always been a home for the most creative minds in the country,” Ammon said. “I look forward to working in and with a successful and motivated team and to diving into the world of storytelling.”