DeAPlaneta Entertainment's has announced that"Pucca," a popular animated character created by South Korean company Vooz, has reached its one million subcriber mark on its YouTube Spanish Channel, and received its first YouTube Gold Play Button. DeAPlaneta Entertainment serves as licensing agent and distributor of the the program in Europe, Middle East and North Africa (EMEA),
The recognition is followed by two Silver Play Button wins after the channels reached 100K subscribers across English and Spanish languages, which are also created and managed by DeAPlaneta Entertainment’s Kids & Family Division. In addition to this latest success, YouTube had previously granted other awards to DeAPlaneta Kids and Family, which currently manages more than 40 channels for the brands they own or distribute. The Gold Play Button for Pucca’s official channel in Spanish is one of the three Gold Play Button awards picked up by DeAPlaneta Kids & Family, alongside accolades for Bernard Bear’s channels in Spanish, with 4.11 million subscribers and Russian, with 1.94 million.
The company also has 11 Silver Play Buttons (and counting) for channels that have reached 100.000 subscribers, including channels in Spanish for Heidi, Maya The Bee, Gormiti, Teo, Planeta Junior TV and BRB, in addition to the aforementioned Pucca channels in Spanish and English. Overall, in 2022, channels managed by DeAPlaneta Entertainment racked up a total 470 million views and have a combined total 10 million subscribers. This data confirms DeAPlaneta’s firm commitment to AVOD and FAST channels, consolidating its effort and positioning on the platform that launched this phenomenon: YouTube. DeAPlaneta Entertainment embraced a ground-breaking approach in Spain by introducing the FAST/AVOD model in its distribution strategy, via Samsung TV Plus, Pluto TV and Rakuten TV.
Capturing the attention of viewers for the last fifteen years, "Pucca’s" videos have more than 700 million streams on YouTube. The title has reached 2.5 million followers on social media, and has ranked number one for six years in a row on the list of globally popular South Korean animated characters, according to a survey, completed in 2021 by the South Korean Ministry for Culture, Sport and Tourism. In addition to her successful YouTube channel, the company have also launched a new Pucca-based mobile game, a Pucca Puzzle Adventure, developed by Takeone Company and released globally on 26 January. "Pucca Puzzle Adventure" is now available to download in Spain via Google Play and App Store. The game features a collaboration with South Korean boy band Treasure, and users will be able to use their cartoon avatars as characters in the game.