Cineflix Rights sold its dark-comedy series, “Happily Married” (C’est Comme Ça Que Je T’aime) to Salto, a new streaming platform created by French broadcasters, TF1, M6 Group, and France Télévisions, following its premier as an Official Selection at Berlinale Series 2020. “Happily Married” is one of the first program acquisitions to be announced by Salto. “We are thrilled that Salto has chosen “Happily Married” as one of the first series it is acquiring to bring to their viewers in France,” Julien Leroux, Cineflix Media said. “The hugely positive response to the series at Berlin, and interest from buyers, was well deserved given the strength of the creative talent on and off-screen, and we look forward to further international sales to come."
The show is produced by Montreal-based Productions Casablanca, and is the latest series from writer François Létourneau and director Jean-François Rivard, who previously worked together on the "Les Invincibles" and "Série Noire." The 10-episode first season of the comedy-drama for Radio-Canada Télé and Tou. Tv Extra is set in the 1970s and recounts the “almost true” story of the ‘Sainte Foy Gangsters’. "We are delighted that Salto has announced “Happily Married” as their first commission and that viewers in France will be able to see the series on this prestigious new platform,” Joanne Forgues, President, Productions Casablanca said.
The series revolves around two couples in crisis, let down by love, friendships, and family. After dropping their children off at camp in July 1974, both couples are confronted by the lamentable state of their married lives. But in a society where divorce is still frowned upon, their search for marital bliss leads them to take a series of drastic decisions and ultimately they become the most infamous quartet of criminals in Quebec history.
The drama explores what motivates a group of unremarkable middle-class suburbanites to descend into a ruthless life of murder and criminality. “We are thrilled to count ‘Happily Married’ among Salto’s exclusive programming,” Thomas Crosson, Head of Content, Salto said. “This show represents exactly what Salto wants to embody, an offering with bold and original content which has a perfect mix of freedom of tone and dark humor.”