ITV Studios announced its plans to internationally distribute the upcoming sixth season of the police drama, "Line of Duty," created by Jed Mercurio and produced by World Productions and Tommy Bulfin for BBC One. “I’m so pleased that we can take the upcoming season of the hugely addictive and hotly anticipated Line of Duty series to market,” Ruth Berry, Managing Director, Global Distribution at ITV Studios said. “It’s a formidable show that has grown from strength to strength and really is ‘must-see’ drama. We are thrilled to represent another Jed Mercurio and World Productions masterpiece on the global stage.”
The company's announcement follows various international second window sales for another series created by Jed Mercurio and produced by World Productions, "The Golden Globe," and BAFTA award-winning Bodyguard. ITV Studios is currently communicating with several buyers for the upcoming thriller series, "Vigil," starring Surrane Jones, Rose Leslie, and Shaun Evans.
The series is currently in production, though it was paused as a result of the pandemic. Kelly McDonald guest stars in a new leading role as Detective Chief Inspector Joanne Davidson, a senior investigating officer on an unsolved murder, untraditional conduct raises suspicions at AC-12. Series leads Vicky McClure, Martin Compston and Adrian Dunbar will all return. "Everyone involved in Line of Duty will be delighted that the series will be available to our many loyal fans around the world," Jed Mercurio, Creator, and Writer of Line of Duty said.
Line Of Duty is written and created by Jed Mercurio and made for BBC One by World Productions. The new series will be directed by Daniel Nettheim (Broadchurch, Doctor Who), Gareth Bryn (Hinterland, Last Tango In Halifax), and Jennie Darnell (Bodyguard, Hetty Feather), and the producer is Ken Horn (The Moorside, Line of Duty series five). Executive Line of Duty is the winner of 12 prestigious awards including Best Drama Series from the Royal Television Society and Broadcasting Press Guild Award and has been nominated for a further 32. It has been named as one of the Top 50 BBC Two shows of all-time and one of the 80 best BBC shows of all time.
The sixth season of the series is scheduled a year and a half after the fifth series' event. It will feature a brand new case for AC-12, focused on an enigmatic Detective Chief Inspector (Kelly McDonald). Also joining Line Of Duty for the first time this season are Shalom Brune-Franklin (Our Girl, Cursed), Perry Fitzpatrick (This Is England, I Am Nicola), Andi Osho (Kiri, Curfew) and Prasanna Puwanarajah (Doctor Foster, Patrick Melrose).