HMS Murder
The British television series "HMS Murder", produced by Clapperboard Studios, was shot in Malta during 7 weeks. Over 60 local crew worked on this project that will generate around €2.3 million into the economy.
Producer Sandra McIver said, “When one consider Malta’s size, we couldn’t believe we managed to replicate six different countries in such a small space. I want to thank all the local crew who worked with us on this project -they were the highlight of my experience in Malta,” she concluded.
Malta Film Commissioner Johann Grech remarked the Malta Film Commission’s plan is working. “Malta’s reputation in the global film industry is strong and that we are building a sustainable film industry” Grech said. "Clapperboard Studios has chosen Malta as their home for a total of three productions in the last two years. Grech added how “More productions choosing Malta. And I must say that we always deliver our promise. So more repeat business. We are investing more. We are building more. We are strengthening more our relationships together. A film industry growing every day. Creating new opportunities every day. Becoming a solid back-to-back film industry. And we are so determined to achieve more,” he concluded.
Minister for Tourism Clayton Bartolo said “this production shows the versatility in our proposition to global filmmakers. Our strategy which is built on Malta’s generous fiscal incentives is leading us to the creation of careers in this industry. We will keep working to create a world-class film industry in Malta”.
This production is filming in 20 different locations around Malta and is doubling up for other European countries such as Spain, France, Morocco, Italy, Portugal.