Riki Group's animated feature films "The Fixies: Top Secret" and "Fixies vs. Crabots" have launched on Amazon Prime Video, Tubi TV, Pluto TV, and Roku TV this October. This bolsters the Russian project’s footprint across the UK and U.S. two major distribution territories where they are available. The deal was made possible through the partnership with Janson Media which acts as an aggregator for the top streaming services. International sales are handled by Central Partnership (part of Gazprom Media Holding).
"We are very excited that audiences of these top platforms will be able to watch our features. This is a key milestone for our distribution strategy in North America and Europe that will definitely widen the number of project viewers. 'The Fixies' have proved to have mass global appeal", Mark Zavadskiy, CEO of Riki Group comments.
Earlier both Fixies features were picked for TV release in Poland by the most-watched channel Polsat and in Brazil on Gloob. The project has already been shown theatrically in Latin America, Spain, Germany, South Korea, Middle East, Turkey, Baltic States, Bulgaria, and Serbia.
The Fixies franchise is about tiny human-like creatures who keep the technological world running smoothly. The TV rights for the series have been sold to more than 80 countries. Tencent Video who had a great success with The Fixies brand in China previously now invests in the production of the 4th season of the series. The first 18 episodes of the new season will be produced by December 2020 and the full season should be delivered by June 2022. The series will be released simultaneously in Russia and China. In addition, Tencent commissioned Hebei TV to create a new TV sci-fi game show for kids FixieLab.