26 NOV 2021

Susana Gato was unanimously elected as President of CEPI

After the elections for the CEPI Board, APIT – represented by its Executive President, Susana Gato – was unanimously elected as President for a two-year term.

Susana Gato


After the elections for the CEPI Board, APIT – represented by its Executive President, Susana Gato – was unanimously elected as President for a two-year term, accompanied by France, Ireland, Austria, Denmark, the Czech Republic and Italy, who now assume the Vice-Presidency of the Confederation.

“To preside over an Association with so much history and so representative of the European Audiovisual Sector is a huge challenge, which I take on with great honor and a sense of responsibility, aware of the importance that this position entails at a personal level, as well as for APIT and for Portugal,”  Susana Gato declared.

Created in 1990, CEPI (European Audiovisual Production Association) represents the interests of Independent Film and Television Producers, with the objective of creating a strong and sustained Audiovisual Sector at a European level. It currently represents 19 European Associations, which include producers of the most diverse genres, ranging from documentary to entertainment, from fiction to animation, being attentive and prepared to face all the changes and challenges that constantly take place in the current audiovisual landscape.


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