26 JAN 2022

Malta Film Week Day 3: Investing in the next audiovisual generation

The training and education were the center of the third day of the Malta Film Week with a unique goal in mind, without the right preparation of the future talents, Malta will not reach the world class audiovisual industry that it pretends.

Malta Film Week Day 3


The training and education was the center of the third day of the Malta Film Week with a unique goal in mind, without the right preparation of the future talents, Malta will not reach the world class audiovisual industry that it pretends. Does Malta have enough educational pathways for those wishing to work in the audio-visual sector?. That was the question that allowed the third day of the Malta Film Week to start. Beverly Cutajar from Malta Film Commission spoke about how the country can educate young children from an early age. "The sky's the limit when we talk about training.and we have to offer solutions to help people in its education". The Malta Film Commission offers that support working very closely with the Malta University.

In representation of the Malta University, the professor Gloria Lauri Lucente mentioned the masters that the institution offers to students who want to enter in the Filming industry. "These masters were launched with the support of the Ministry of Tourism through the Malta Film Commision and the masters didn't exist without this support." she added. The Master’s in Film Studies combines theoretical and practical aspects of film and enables productive interaction between academia and the film industry. The M.A. provides students with the necessary techniques to successfully plan and shoot a short film, and to develop it in all its stages from the script to the screen.

The MCAST (the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology) is another Malta education institute that prepares students for the filming industry. Established in 2001, MCAST is the country’s leading vocational education and training institution. Through its Institute for the Creative Arts, the Institution offers the Advanced Diploma in Creative Media Production that opens up a range of pathways leading to careers within various media sectors. After the successful completion of this course, learners may choose to work in video production, television, sound, interactive media and sectors of the film industry. The program provides learners with a broad introduction to the various aspects of audio-visual production. Moreover, it provides a solid foundation in underlying theories, while also covering practical areas in camera and audio techniques and video editing.

The well recognized director, Roland Joffe, affirmed that cross multiple narratives are very important in the film industry. "Malta has to set up an international school if it wants to be part of the global audiovisual industry. This international school will allow foreign students to live and explore Malta culture but also Maltese students will learn about the foreign students."

The award-winner filmmaker Bryan Sebok, said that the main advice he gives to his students is to take the opportunity to travel abroad if they have the chance. The filmmaker also highlighted the fact of working at an international level between students, educational institutions and the film industry. "Talking to each other can solve global problems."

Marthese Portelli, Chief Executive Officer, The Malta Chamber of Commerce Enterprise and Industry said that the knowhow, the context, and entrepreneurs mindset are three crucial ingredients in the creative industry and they are crossing the borders. "As Malta we have a lot of talents and we need to think not only locally but globally and The Malta Chamber helps the industry with these objectives." "We are very well connected Internationally," sated.

Kurt Farrugia, Chief Executive Officer, Malta Enterprise pointed out the necessity of collaboration between the different parts that integrate the film industry. "Being such a small country, we have all the requisites to closely work and support each other". Farrugie also stated that Malta is investing in the film industry and it is offering different funds. "We just have to communicate these opportunities in a better way", he added.

Johann Grech, commissioner of the Malta Film Commission affirmed that the Malta Film industry generated the base that the country needed. "We are deeply involved in this industry and we are discussing how all people involved in the industry can reach the benefits". "We need to consolidate our infrastructure, it's time to build a succes film industry. We have to remain competitive and bring more international productions to us but also to reinforce our local market with our cash rebate that will benefice maltese productions".

By Romina Rodrìguez from Malta


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