15 OCT 2021

MIA Market 2021: Trentino Film Commission celebrates its tenth anniversary

In order to promote the cultural heritage of the region, the TFC promotes and supports Italian and foreign film, television and documentary productions.


Within the framework of the MIA Market, the Trentino Film Commission celebrated 10 years of continuous work where it promoted and supported both Italian and foreign film, television and documentary productions that were able to disseminate the cultural, environmental and historical heritage of the Trentino area.

“When we started our activity in 2011, Trentino had very little experience in the audiovisual industry and our work was based on some fundamental concepts, one of them is training, both for industry professionals and companies related to the audiovisual system and the second fundamental concept was services. The work of intermediary between the producers and the territory gave very important results because the territory always responds to the demands of the producers in a very clear and fast way,” said Luca Ferrario, head of the Trentino Film Commission.

The Trentino Film Commission offers logistical support to productions through the search for locations, hotel facilities, the involvement of professionals active in the area and the search for contacts both with public administrations and with security forces and bodies.

The region offers not only the typical image of cabins in the middle of green meadows and magnificent mountains, but also many more landscapes that can be used in audiovisual productions. "The films that we supported in recent years and that were filmed in our mountains are really few. Trentino offers natural landscapes but it also represents the typical Italian city, as well as castles and historical buildings and a more modern side related to the world of museums, research and the University that have been a great discovery for set designers and directors” , indicated Ferrario.

At the same time, the TFC is committed to promoting the development of the local audiovisual industry offering training opportunities. Mauro Casotto, Director of Trentino Sviluppo commented to Señal News “The Trentino Film Commission always aimed to offer all the fundamental aspects that make film productions feasible such as authorizations, licenses, delivery of raw materials and services, this is our objective main now. In the future, we want to go a step further, and increase the contributions made to the film productions that take place in Trentino and we are also thinking about a more efficient development of administrative activity so that the economic resources and funding reaches film productions more quickly,”he stressed. "On the other hand, we want to improve the research system including all competitive points and digital services that may be useful to improve the quality of film productions."

Productions on the rise

Since the creation of the Trentino Film Commission, the number of productions was on the rise, as well as the shooting days in the year. “In a territory like ours, having 500 days of filming in a year between fiction and documentary productions is a very important. Likewise, we can speak not only of quantity of quality, since many films shot in Trentino were later released at international festivals”, pointed out Ferrario.

Claudio Martinelli, head of the Cultural Sector of the province of Trento added that the attractions of Trentino can be described in three fundamental elements: the extraordinary locations; the reliability of the entire apparatus of the province that makes permits available and facilitates productions in the territory; and the guarantee of funds through the annual calls. "Our future objective is to have in Trentino the professionalism, the competence and also the technological instruments for a better production of productions", he commented. "Currently we hope that many productions will come because the calls that we opened had many queries and in the future I believe that we must unite two important things, the first, not to lose the cultural quality of the products and second, attract the productions of series that give visibility very broad to the territory and as well as we also intend to promote the video game sector”, Martinelli said.

By Romina Rodríguez

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