4 MAY 2020


Starting on May 4, the pre-production and preparation activities will begin, including inspections, design and construction of sets, and "at the end of June" the productions that were left on standby due to the health emergency may be resumed.


From May 4, pre-productions and all the preparations for the design and construction of audiovisual production sets, including set design and inspections, will be able to start in Italy.

On one hand, the APA (Associazione Produttori Audiovisivi) together with ANICA (Associazione Nazionale Industrie Cinematografiche Audiovisive Multimediali) are working on a unified protocol that specifies workplace safety standards for professionals in the audiovisual sector.

"Ours will be a general protocol that includes the specific types of audiovisuals, but will not go into detail of the individual professional figures. It will be a fundamental framework that will incorporate the needs of individual workers with their detailed protocols. Many important contributions circulate online, the result of the meritorious work of the professional categories, but sometimes misleading,” said Giancarlo Leone, president of the APA.

On the other hand, AGIS (Associazione Generale Italiana dello Spettacolo) presented the document "The show in Italy in phase 2- Proposals for the restart of the activities and for the reopening to the public", a series of guidelines identified in concert with all the members of the Association, from live entertainment to cinema. The document contains proposals to deal with the restarting of activities, in full compliance with safety measures.

Carlo Fontana, president of AGIS, underlined that he did not want to replace the authorities in setting specific dates, deadlines and commitments, but "to make a serious and pragmatic contribution to the Ministry and to make available to the legislator specific skills, which allow then to make the most appropriate choices.”

Among the safety measures, AGIS proposes the installation of dispensers of disinfectant solutions for public use, the preparation of communications indicating the correct methods of public behavior, and the periodic sanitation of the toilets and surfaces that can be touched by the public and operators in ordinary circumstances. Furthermore - the document underlines - an incentive is requested for the sale of online tickets and provision of organizational measures to guarantee respect for interpersonal distancing in the eventual sale of tickets on site before the show, as well as a system for booking and selling tickets which guarantees a checkerboard distribution of the public as already envisaged by the legislator for the use of collective means of transport. It is appropriate - reads - a derogation from the spacing measures for couples and / or cohabiting groups, always with the recommendation to the public of the use of a nose and mouth protection, as well as the realization outside the places of show of delimited entrance corridors and verification of the maintenance of the safety distance in the possible queue.


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