"Heart of Darkness" is an animated feature film created with Brazil's Karmatic Imagens and France's Special Touch Studios, whereas "The City of Maria," is a co-production with Ukraine and Brazil.
The Brazilian delegation for Annecy MIFA has a strong presence and different business goals. Executives from attending companies describe their growth objectives for the event.
The Brazilian sales agency and the Spanish consulting company joined forces to develop sales opportunities in intellectual properties, international co production, and distribution projects.
The company reaffirmed its commitment to the development of the audiovisual market and announced new features across all platforms. The company bets on the diversity of stories created by and for Brazilians.
"Bionic Max" has found homes in Brazil, Australia, the USA, Spain, and Macau. Meanwhile, "Do, Re & Mi" will be available in Australia, Canada, Finland, Switzerland, Hungary, Thailand, and Hong Kong.