19 JUL 2021


The show, created by Big Fish Entertainment and produced by RTL Studios, is set to air in the region on Friday, 23rd July. Demand for the format has increased worldwide following its first and second season debut on A+E.


A+E Networks's Global Content Sales division recently confirmed commissioning for the canine competition format, “Top Dog." The show is set to air on RTL in Germany on Friday, 23rd July. The ATS Team provided the production services, having also done so on all 3 seasons in the US. “A+E Networks is thrilled that this edge-of-your-seat, feel-good series will make its way to Germany,” said Robyn Hurd, VP of Content Sales, EMEA at A+E Networks. “The success of ‘Top Dog’ truly speaks to our strong track record producing regionally replicable formats that appeal to viewers across the globe."

Created by Big Fish Entertainment, “Top Dog” first aired on A&E’s domestic channel as America’s Top Dog.The show will be produced by RTL Studios. The move follows several additional commissions of A+E Networks titles announced in May, proving the company's ability to transform local adaptations into hit formats.

After its initial debut, the show aired a second season on A&E on June 29, hosted by the veteran studio and sports broadcaster Curt Menefee, following positive feedback and ratings. “Everywhere people love dogs - so, truly everywhere - there is an audience for Top Dog, and we couldn’t be happier to be partnering with RTL on this iteration of the format,” Hurd said. 

The “Top Dog” commission follows several recent sales from A+E’s growing formats division, announced this past spring. The purchases include “Alone,” a self-shot survival competition series that became popular on The History Channel in the US, ultimately pushing out eight seasons. The show premiered its first season on Discovery+ Sweden following earlier acquisitions in Norway and Denmark. 

In Latin America, the Spanish-language format Forged in Fire returned for its fourth season on The HISTORY Channel in Latin AMerican. Additionally, a Spanish-language adaptation of the domestic HISTORY® Channel hit series "The UnXplained," a premium mystery format.  Meanwhile, the UK iteration of The Rap Game, an A+E Networks competition format that follows young, undiscovered rappers from all walks of life, will return for a third season on BBC Three in July.


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