Sky and Peacock unveiled the new original television series inspired by Frederick Forsyth’s seminal thriller "The Day of the Jackal" and the award-winning 1973 film adaptation from Universal Pictures. The series will be available on Peacock in the US and on Sky in the UK, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Austria.“We’re excited to adapt this internationally recognized classic into an updated, timely, political thriller," Lisa Katz, President Scripted Content, NBCUniversal Television and Streaming said. "Shepherded by novelist and showrunner Ronan Bennett and Carnival, this action-packed high-stakes drama is sure to be an edge-of-your seat adventure for Peacock audiences.”
The series will be produced by Carnival Films, which is part of Universal International Studios, a division of Universal Studio Group, in association with Sky Studios. NBCUniversal Global Distribution will be tasked with handling international sales for the series. Irish screenwriter Ronan Bennett is attached to write and showrun. The award-winning Brian Kirk will be lead director. Gareth Neame, Executive Producer, Carnival Films said: “It is an exciting prospect to work with Ronan Bennett and Brian Kirk on this contemporary cat-and-mouse thriller inspired by Frederick Forsyth’s respected novel and the much admired and remembered Fred Zinnemann movie. We’ll retain the pan-European setting and play to the strengths of episodic television in this fast paced, intelligent international thriller with the story of an assassin and the race to stop him still at the heart of the action.”
Production on the show is set to begin next summer. "The Day of the Jackal" was commissioned by Gabriel Silver, Director of Commissioning, Drama, and Sam Hoyle, Executive Producer, at Sky Studios for Zai Bennett, MD of Content at Sky UK & Ireland. Gareth Neame and Nigel Marchant are Executive Producers for Carnival Films. Frederick Forsyth will serve as Consulting Producer and Christopher Hall is Producer.
While remaining true to the DNA of the original IP, this contemporary drama will delve deeper into the chameleon like ‘anti-hero’ at the heart of the story, in a high octane, cinematic, globetrotting 'cat and mouse' thriller, set amidst the turbulent geo-political landscape of our time.“The Day of the Jackal is a timeless international espionage thriller that is beloved the world over," Meghan Lyvers, Director of Original Drama, Sky Studios UK&I said. "Ronan’s propulsive storytelling will keep viewers on the edge of their seats, and we cannot wait to bring this premium, cinematic, globe-trotting series to Sky audiences across Europe.”