Amcomri Entertainment company, Abacus Media Rights (AMR), which recently acquired Flame Media has brought in Fiona Gilroy as managing producer relations and acquisitions throughout Australia and New Zealand.“Fiona has been an integral part of building the success of Flame Media," AMR Managing Director, Jonathan Ford said. "As we move forward and Abacus Media Rights develops and integrates the Flame business, we are delighted that she will be joining us to help further develop producer relations in the region.”
The former Content Sales & Acquisitions Director at Flame Media has built and managed international content sales businesses for Film Australia and SBS and has worked as a consultant in the industry for over three decades. Fiona was a board member of the AIDC from 2014 to 2020, serving as Co-Chair for 5 years, and was a member of the AIDC Advisory Committee for the 2021 conference.
Under her new role, she will also analyze and develop funding models. “I am very excited to be able to continue my relationship with the great producers in Australia and New Zealand who contributed to the Flame Media catalogue over the past 10 years," Fiona Gilroy said. "The calibre of content coming from this region is second to none. It’s also wonderful to see the existing Flame catalogue benefiting from the renewed vigour of being part of Abacus Media Rights and the combined Abacus Flame sales team, and I fully expect that new content from ANZ will find a fabulous home in the AMR catalogue.”
The recent acquisition of Flame Media increases AMR’s TV library offering to 4,750 hours of programming and new titles include Outback Truckers and Outback Opal Hunters from Prospero Productions, The Moors Murders from MAP TV, and Life in Colour with David Attenborough from Humble Bee Films and SeaLight Pictures, with new titles in production including New Zealand from a Train by Making Movies and Ningaloo with Tim Winton by Artemis Productions. These will join hit AMR programmes including Sort Of, Vikings: The Rise And Fall, Four Hours At The Capitol, The Missing Children, This Is Joan Collins, Epstein’s Shadow: Ghislaine Maxwell, The Masked Singer and Evolve.