All3Media International has acquired format sales rights for ShinAwiL’s primetime singing game show" Last Singer Standing."“We at ShinAwiL are delighted to partner with All3Media International in rolling out our newest shiny floor talent show, Last Singer Standing," Larry Bass, CEO at ShinAwil, said. "The combination of ShinAwiL’s creative team and All3Media International’s global sales team is the perfect way to launch this new talent gameshow format to the world."
The company will be in charge of all global format salesrelated to the title, considered a ShinAwiL’s original version produced for RTÉ One. This eight-episode series is presented by Westlife’s Nicky Byrne and features pop panellists Nadine Coyle from Girl’s Aloud, chart topper Samantha Mumba and Joey Fatone from NSYNC, who offer their guidance and industry experience to the contestants throughout the competition.
Combining a singing competition with a game show for all the family, "Last Singer Standing" made its Saturday night primetime debut on RTÉ One in Ireland in October. The series, developed by ShinAwiL, one of Ireland’s most successful independent producers, sees contestants requiring tactics as well as singing talent as they take to the stage to perform. In each episode they must battle it out, musically and mentally, in a bid to impress the star-studded panel, the studio audience and each other to earn a coveted place in the grand finale, where a huge cash prize is up for grabs.
“We’re always looking for innovative new format ideas for our global clients and are confident in the strong audience appeal around the world for Last Singer Standing," Nick Smith, EVP Formats at All3Media International, said. "It is a fresh new take on the primetime talent show, contestants must choose their songs wisely and will face challenges throughout, giving a sense of jeopardy and excitement that will entertain the whole family."