The young-adult horror film based on an original script by Sebastian Niemann and Eckhard Vollmar and directed by Felix Fuchssteiner and Katharina Schöde. Markus Zimmer serves as producer, while Sasha Bühler contributes as Director International Films for Netflix. 

14 MAY 2021

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Bavaria Fiction and Netflix have completed all photography aspects of the film "The Privilege" in Berlin and the Harz mountain range. "I am very pleased that this unusual horror film has been created by Bavaria Fiction together with Netflix,” Producer Markus Zimmer said.

The Bavaria Fiction production stars Max Schimmelpfennig, Lea von Acken, Roman Knižka, and Lise Risom Olsen. The film is directed by Felix Fuchssteiner and Katharina Schöde, and is based on an original script by Sebastian Niemann and Eckhard Vollmar. Director of Photography is Jakub Bejnarowicz. Markus Zimmer serves as producer, Sasha Bühler is Director International Films in charge of the production for Netflix. 

A subsidiary of Bavaria Film and ZDF Enterprises, Bavaria is led by managing directors Jan S. Kaiser and Manfred Haus-Pflüger and has its headquarters in Munich as well as other locations in Cologne, Stuttgart and Berlin. With approximately 17,000 on-air minutes every year and productions like “Storm of Love“, “The Rosenheim Cops“, “SOKO Stuttgart“ and “Inga Lindström“, Bavaria Fiction programming reaches millions of viewers every week in Germany.

The show follows 17-year-old Finn suspects that a curse is haunting his surroundings after a series of unexplainable events. Soon, the image of his wealthy family begins to crumble. ‘"The Privilege’ impressively stages and highlights many of the fears adolescents universally share – particularly those of feeling alienated and misunderstood," Zimmer said."Evil lurks everywhere – even where we least suspect it." 

I am very pleased that this unusual horror film has been created by Bavaria Fiction together with Netflix.” Markus Zimmer Producer,