Beta Film has boarded the medical drama series, "Krank Berlin."“We are thrilled that KRANK Berlin found a home at ZDFneo and Beta Film," Julia Herb, VP Sales & Acquisitions German-speaking territory said. "This fast-paced and distinctive series deals with globally relevant issues: It brings a laser focus to the challenges faced by healthcare and medical professionals every day, especially now, in a post-pandemic world. And it is as real as it gets."
Created by former emergency room doctor turned screenwriter Samuel Jefferson from the UK, KRANK Berlin will be part of Berlinale Series Markets’ showcase “Up next: Germany”, where an exclusive selection of the country's upcoming high-end series will be presented for the first time to international industry professionals. Shooting of the high-octane eight-hour drama wrapped in December at Berlin’s expansive SEZ, a former popular leisure center in East Berlin.
Produced by Violet Pictures and REAL FILM Berlin for ZDFneo, KRANK Berlin is directed by Alex Schaad and Fabian Möhrke. Producers are Alexis von Wittgenstein, Managing Director Violet Pictures, and Henning Kamm, Managing Director Real Film Berlin. Beate Bramstedt is the editor at ZDF and Christiane Meyer zur Capellen is the coordinator for ZDFneo. Beta Film handles international sales. The cast includes Slavko Popadić, Şafak Şengül and Peter Lohmeyer, among others.
Leading the cast is Haley Louise Jones, portraying Dr. Parker, who takes over as head of the chaotic emergency room, set against the backdrop of the city of Berlin. Managing this challenging environment is no small task for the doctor, as she's seeking a fresh start in the big city after her private life imploded in Munich. When she tries to implement reforms, Dr. Parker is confronted with resistance from the hospital staff. Underpaid, poorly equipped, chronically fatigued, and with an indispensable dose of black humor, the colleagues must recognize that they are all in the same boat and pursuing a common goal: to save lives and to stand up to a merciless healthcare system.
"Even though this is a fictional story, the lived experience by creator and former emergency room doctor Samuel Jefferson contribute to the series’ outstanding authenticity," Herb said. "Set against the exciting backdrop of the melting pot that is Berlin, it’s this unique and special combination that will surely resonate well with audiences across the globe.”