Boat Rocker Studios has signed a global distribution sales for "Dino Ranch." it is hit animated preschool series which launched in January on Disney Junior in the US and CBC in Canada.“We are delighted that the show’s success in North America, coupled with the global appeal of our characters and dinosaurs has attracted top broadcast platforms internationally," said Gia DeLaney, SVP Global Sales, Kids & Family for Boat Rocker Studios.
Cartoonito has acquired the series in Italy and HOP in Israel, with both channels set to launch Dino Ranch in September 2021. Boat Rocker Studios is managing the global content distribution and consumer products program for the franchise.
In Poland, ‘Dino Ranch’ has been acquired by national public service broadcaster TVP and will air on children’s channel TVP ABC starting in2022. Public broadcaster HRT in Croatia has picked up the series and is set to launch in 2022 in its children’s timeslot Juhuhu and on the Juhuhu FVOD as well as a morning slot on HRT2.
SVT in Sweden has also acquired the show and joins previously announced NRK Norway, DR Denmark, and YLE Finland to complete the Nordics. The show is set to launch towards the end of 2021. “We are excited that more preschoolers around the world will have the chance to saddle up and enjoy a taste of life in the great outdoors with the thrilling adventures of the Cassidy family and their dino best friends,” DeLaney said.
These latest deals follow hot on the heels of other recent global sales including SUPER RTL/TOGGO Plus (Germany) and Gulli plus TiJi and Gulli Africa (France). ‘Dino Ranch’ has also just launched on Disney+ in Australia, New Zealand, and the UK/Ireland, and is coming to Disney+ US in June 2021, Disney Junior Latam in August 2021, and SRC in Canada in September 2021.