ITV Studios will work alongside the creators of global hit format “All Together Now” and “Richard Osman's House of Games,” James Fox and Dom Waugh for the launch of their new entertainment label, Rollercoaster Television. The new establishment is intended for the creation and production of new formats in the UK and global markets.“Now feels like the time for the next adventure and the chance to build a new slate of shows for the UK and beyond,” Waugh said. “We're thrilled to be joining Julian and the team at ITV Studios and can't wait to get started later in the year."
Currently leading Remarkable's entertainment division as Managing Director and Director of Content, Fox and Waugh have been have been tasked with the creation and production of hit formats such as “All Together Now,." The singing competition format has now sold to over 20 countries around the world. The creatives' new joint venture joins other non-scripted labels including Potato, Lifted Entertainment, 12 Yard, Possessed, Twofour, and MultiStory Media.
The executives are currently working on Remarkable's “Starstuck” for ITV, a brand new primetime entertainment series which sees ordinary members of the public team up to transform into the world's biggest music icons. International distribution for Rollercoaster Television will be handled by ITV Studios. "James and Dom are really exciting entertainment producers who have developed and overseen a raft of successful hit shows,” Julian Bellamy, MD, ITV Studios, said. “We're delighted they've chosen to partner with ITV Studios for their next venture and look forward to welcoming them to the group."
Fox currently oversees Remarkable's entertainment programming. He started his career in BBC Entertainment working in development and production, and later joined Fever Media and BBC. On returning to the UK in 2010, Fox worked as Executive and Series Producer for Initial, Twofour, and RDF before joining Remarkable.
Waugh is currently Director of Content at Remarkable, where he helped expand the company's entertainment slate. He has developed and executive produced entertainment and factual entertainment formats over his 10 years at Remarkable, and additional years of freelancing production/directing experience under his belt.