7 MAY 2021


In addition to guideline implementations, the companies will pass on daily habit suggestions to mothers and implement interactive activities for kids and their guardians to raise awareness about breast cancer, with the opportunity to win prizes.


Komen Italia and Winx Club partner up for prevention awareness campaign. The Italian organization leading the fight against breast cancer has chosen Winx, to launch a campaign in an effort to raise awareness about the sickness. "We are happy to have Rainbow join Komen Italia to promote our awareness campaign on the importance of Prevention, especially addressing mothers”, says Prof. Riccardo Masetti, President of Komen Italia. 

Both official websites will offer information and suggestions related to breast cancer to promote healthier lifestyles among children and their families. “Thanks to the Winx, little girls will be able to convey simple tips to their families, to follow a healthier lifestyle, and take part in the Race for the Cure 2021 edition, where the Winx will be the Special Ambassadors," Masetti said. 

Some of the activities created for the children include interactive themes they can complete with their mothers. The Winx will also promote the Race For The Cure registrations through their own channels, inviting families to join Komen Italia in the biggest iconic event for the fight against breast cancer in Italy and worldwide. "The idea of targeting children stems precisely from the desire to get this fundamental message across from the very youngest, to reach the hearts of their parents in an even more exciting and effective way,” Lorena Vaccari, Global Marketing Director of Rainbow, said. 

Most of the information covered through the campaign will adress prevention, including discussions with special Komen spokespeople. The campaign launches on Italian Mother's Day. Each fairy - Bloom created by the campaign, Stella, Flora, Aisha, Musa, and Tecna – will propose different kinds of magic to girls. "The Winx have always been ambassadors of positive values and messages, and now more than ever we are happy to collaborate with Komen Italia to promote such an important issue as prevention," Vaccari said.

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