Little Dot Studios recently picked up pre-school animation hit "Everything’s Rosie," produced and distributed by UK-based V&S Entertainment.“We’re hugely proud to be expanding our partnership with V&S Entertainment with the relaunch of the English and Spanish 'Everything’s Rosie' YouTube Channels. Following on from the success of Everything's Rosie on the Little Dot Studios' Wizz channel, licensed back in February, we're excited to fully realise the potential of the show on YouTube and bring Rosie to a wider multi-language audience," James Loveridge, Director of Entertainment at Little Dot Studios, said.
Little Dot Studios received positive feedback for "Everything’s Rosie" on its own YouTube Channel ‘WIZZ’ and now oversees the official Everything’s Rosie YouTube channels in both English and Latin American Spanish. “Kids love consuming large amounts of content but parents look for quality too, something that will interest and intrigue their little ones, inspiring them to be good role models and promote kindness and friendship," CEO at V&S Entertainment and Creator of Everything’s Rosie, Vickie Corner, said. "'Everything’s Rosie embodies these qualities offering preschool children the chance to enjoy wholesome age-appropriate stories while learning important life skills.”
The title was also successful on state broadcaster CCTV, in China, and there are deals in the pipeline with digital platforms, which will ensure the show is seen by in excess of 120 million preschoolers in the territory. In addition to the 170 territories where Everything’s Rosie already has a footprint, V&S Entertainment has recently secured contracts in Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Eastern Europe and the US.
“Whilst there is still a place in the home for traditional TV broadcast, since Covid the way kids consume tv programmes has changed forever," Corner said. "Broadcasters and producers have scrambled to adapt to new ways of making and transmitting content. Young people have migrated online and the demand for high quality, UK-originated output for children of all ages continues to grow. Kids properties are taking on new importance, with streaming platforms battling to snap up popular IP to meet demand.”