Millimages recently welcomed Clément Le Strat to its development team.“We are delighted to add such a qualified [lH1] and talented new member to our team," Bonnie Lener, Producer, Millimages, said. "Clément is experienced in developing older-skewing series; his arrival consolidates our new editorial strategy which aims to keep on developing preschool projects but also to expand our content to target both kids and adults.”
Under his new role as Development Manager, Le Strat will report to Producer and head of the development division, Bonnie Lener. “It is a very exciting opportunity to join one of the most iconic and ground-breaking independent studios in France," Clément le Strat said. "I am very much looking forward to working with Millimages’ creative talent and helping to expand the scope of their amazing catalogue.”
Upon assuming the role, Lener and Le Strat will be attending the Annecy Animation Festival in June 2023 (stand E20), to present a 3rd season and 2nd feature film of the classic "Lascars" property, an exclusive spin-off of the global hit Molang; and a comedy series for 6-9 year-olds, Camp Farmcreek.
Le Strat will contribute nearly two decades worth of animation experience, which he garnered at top studios in France including Disney France and Studio Redfrog, among others. At Disney France, he spent 11 years as Program Development Manager and Editorial Advisor, overseeing over 60 animated and live-action series. At Studio Redfrog, he managed development from 2019 to 2023, notably on the series "Smarty Pants," a 52 12-minute animated comedy for Canal +, ITV and Cartoon Network Italia, winner of the Best Animated Series for 7-9 year olds at the 2023 Luchon Festival.