Mistco announced that its brand new drama “Bahar,” which the company launched during the last edition of Mipcom, will be on air soon in Israel and Romania. Consisting of 100 episodes, the show is co-produced with US Yapim, responsible for hit Turkish hits such as “Hold My Hand,” “Melek: A Mother's Struggle,” and “The Blackboard.”
“Bahar” is the story of a young girl who is struggling to keep the goodness inside despite all darkness around. After witnessing the murder of her father, she is trying to prove that her stepmother Aysun committed the murder. On the other hand, the love between Bahar and Demir, who met just days before the murder, grows day by day, but becomes even more impossible since Aysun is obsessively attached to Demir and determined to win Demir at any cost. Their lives are turned upside down, and Bahar and Demir begin to be tested with both love and life.
"We are very excited about the premieres of ‘Bahar,’ which offers a strong dramatic plot along with a triangle love story, and we all know that such stories are always welcomed by international audiences," commented Aysegul Tuzun, Managing Director at Mistco.