Mondo TV Studios has partnered with Kenn Viselman to bring MeteoHeroes to the US and Canada.“Kenn Viselman has an unm The deal is considered significant, being the first-ever to allow Mondo TV Studios attract audiences for these successful productions in the vast North American market. "Ken has an unmatched reputation for finding, building and developing hit brands and shows in the North American market," Maria Bonaria Fois, CEO of Mondo TV Studios, said. "His insights into production, distribution, marketing, and brand development will, we are sure,bring MeteoHeroes success in one of the biggest and most competitive kids’ markets in the world. And, of course, he loves the show! We’re delighted to be working with Kenn.”
On 22 April 2022 the "MeteoHeroes" make their broadcast debut on PBS with an Earth Day Special. The title has already sold into 144 countries and 22 languages. In Italy it is now among the most successful Cartoonito children’s series of all time. It has enjoyed similar success in Spain on Clan. The World Premiere of the second season of MeteoHeroes will air on Cartoonito in Italy in April 2022. "The success of the series is its ability to give the audience hope while speaking to them in a fun and honest way about threats to our environment," Viselman said. "There is no issue more urgent or germane to children’s lives than climate change and the message that a superhero lives in each of us with the capacity to change the world is one I am thrilled and honored to shout from the rooftops.”
Known as the maker of "Teletubbies" and "Thomas the Tank Engine," Viselman is responsible for over $25 billion dollars in commercial success. “In my over three decades of working in the world of children’s and family entertainment. I have never seen a reaction to a kids’ series like I have with MeteoHeroes – and let’s face it, I’ve seen some pretty huge reactions," Viselman said.
All North American distribution and marketing aspects for both the series and the first Mondo/Viselman collaboration, the videogame "MeteoHeroes – Saving Planet Earth" for Sony PlayStation, will be managed by Viselman’s itsy bitsy Entertainment Company (TibECo) in partnership with the show’s co-producers Mondo TV S.p.A and leading weather forecasting centre Meteo Operations Italia (MOPI). Viselman will also personally serve as showrunner and executive producer of the Americanized version of the series for a North American audience.
A companion series, "Real Superheroes Don’t Wear Capes," executive produced by Viselman, will premiere in late summer 2022. The award-winning series, which was recently honored at the 30 th annual Kids First! Film Festival, is about a group of six pint-sized superheroes working in tandem to fight climate change disasters, each of whom represents a different continent and a different natural element.