NPR and LG U+ launched "Tiny Desk Korea," the first-ever international TV format version of NPR’s "Tiny Desk Concert" series. The new series is set to premier in August 2023.“LG U+ is extremely pleased to launch Tiny Desk Korea with NPR, offering us a great opportunity to continue the global expansion of K-pop music," Sangjin Lee, VP of Content IP Business for LG U+ said.
The format licensing deal is the first of its kind for both NPR and LG U+. The deal was brought together in part by Korea’s format agency Something Special, who will also serve to develop and expand the Tiny Desk Korea brand. Up to 52 episodes will be produced, released weekly, and in the same intimate style of the original U.S. series. All of the performances will be filmed, produced, and aired in South Korea on the LG U+ owned platforms. "We are honored to be entrusted by NPR to carry out their initiative of showcasing original music through their iconic Tiny Desk brand. We will highlight the best of not only Korean, but all of Asia’s diverse musical artists with a series of concerts,” Lee said.
To better adapt to Korean audiences, "Tiny Desk Korea" will undergo a slight reinterpretation and localization. The idea for the launch was developed to give the South Korean music scene another platform to showcase its growing global influence and popularity while leveraging the Tiny Desk brand. K-culture and K-pop music and musicians have found international success with chart-topping singles and albums across Asia, the U.S., Latin America, and Europe.
NPR Music’s Tiny Desk concert series launched in 2008. Since then, more than 1,000 concerts have been recorded at the Tiny Desk — Bob Boilen's festive workspace at NPR headquarters in Washington, D.C.. The series has featured performances from artists of every genre at every phase of their careers, attracting 16 million monthly viewers.