The acclaimed Turkish drama “Lost In Love,” distributed globally by OGM Universe and produced by OGM Pictures, continues its triumphant journey with resounding success, impressing local and global audiences. In fact, the series registered 6,10 rating points and 15,18% of share in the Total segment, dominating Thursday nights in Turkey.
In “Lost in Love,” Mete and Naz, born into affluent and influential families, are bound by a childhood promise after an unfortunate incident. Their love story is a rollercoaster of passion and conflict, driven by their competitive spirits. As Mete returns from abroad to marry Naz, fate takes a turn when he encounters İncila, Naz's loyal maid. Unveiling unexpected connections, the series dives into a web of secrets, rivalries, and hidden passions, threatening to turn their worlds upside down. In the storm, Mete grapples with feelings for two women, laying the foundation for an unparalleled love story.
Featuring a stellar ensemble cast with talents such as Uraz Kaygılaroğlu, Cemre Baysel, Asude Kalebek, Şenay Gürler, Ceyda Düvenci, and Tamer Levent, “Lost in Love” guarantees a gripping and unforgettable viewing experience.