Pinewood Studios recently built a new sound stage, named after the late Academy Award-winning actor Sean Connery to celebrate what would have been his 92nd birthday.“Our family consider it a great honor to have a stage named after Sean. It is fitting considering the amount of time Sean spent at Pinewood and we know that he would have been very touched by this privilege," the Connery family, Stephane and Jason Connery said.
The new establishment, named The Sean Connery Stage, spanning the 18,000 square feet, is one of five new stages opening on Pinewood Studios. “We are delighted to announce that one of our five new sound stages at Pinewood Studios will be named, ‘The Sean Connery Stage,'" Pinewood Group Chairman, Paul Golding said. "The revered actor, and original James Bond, had a life-long connection with both Pinewood and Shepperton Studios. It is fitting that the naming ceremony will take place in 2022, the 60th anniversary year of the James Bond films.”
The list of projects Connery contributed to during his tenure with Pinewood and Shepperton Studios go beyond James Bond films, which returned numerous times between 1957 and 1999. First passing through the gates of Pinewood Studios for Hell Drivers (1957), other titles from his extensive filmography include "On the Fiddle" (1961) at Shepperton, "Woman of Straw" (1964) at Pinewood, "The Russia House" (1990) "Pinewood," "Robin Hood – Prince of Thieves" (1991) "Shepperton," "First Knight" (1995), "Pinewood"and "Entrapment," (1999) at both Pinewood and Shepperton.
Recognized as one of the most influential and successful actors of his generation, Sean Connery was the first actor to portray James Bond on the big screen in EON Productions’ Dr No, shot at Pinewood Studios in 1962. The film was produced by Albert R ‘Cubby’ Broccoli and Harry Saltzman (EON Productions), directed by Terence Young on Pinewood Studios’ original A, B, C and D stages and on location in Jamaica. Following the phenomenal success of Dr. No, Connery starred in a further five James Bond films produced by EON Productions and shot at Pinewood Studios; From Russia With Love (1963), Goldfinger (1964), Thunderball (1965), You Only Live Twice (1967) and Diamonds Are Forever (1971). Connery’s interpretation of the role helped establish the foundation for the success of the James Bond series which celebrates its 60th Anniversary this year.