Russian animation studio Platoshka announces its animation series "Beadies" will be launched in China after a deal with UYoung, a Chinese children’s media group. The Chinese film has undertaken to localize "Beadies" into Mandarin and will be repping the brand exclusively in China.
UYoung will enjoy exclusive rights to the first season of "Beadies" (55x5 minutes) and thematic episode combos and will oversee all aspects of "Beadies" exploitation and promotion in China – from media distribution to merchandising and licensing.
“We are thrilled to bring our first show from Russia into China with 'Beadies'. Although there are lots of children’s song brands in the market, 'Beadies' is special and unlike any other shows out there. It’s like a children’s animated musical. Not only does it feature original music and lyrics, but it delivers educational and social emotional values. This vibrant show is sure to bring much joy to children,” says Clara Yang, Vice President of Content Investment and Business Development from UYoung.
“We are delighted to have UYoung as our partner in China. I am certain that the 'Beadies' brand is in good hands. This overseas deal is a telltale sign of international demand for 'Beadies'. Chinese firms serving multi-million audiences prefer tested and proven content, so it speaks volumes when they put their trust in a young Russian project,” says Anna Shelegina, CEO and General Producer at Platoshka.
"Beadies" is a new learning animation series for children aged 0 to 4 years. The plotline of this musical-styled project rests on a robust pedagogical program targeting interactive all-round development. The project’s global mission is to become parents’ chief source of inspiration, helper and advisor in matters of organizing leisure and learning activities for their tots.
The series premiered in Russian on YouTube in June 2021, and amassed over 10 million views in two months. Besides YouTube, "Beadies" made it into the catalogs of Russia’s leading VOD services and debuted on TV.
Having prepared the release of the first season of "Beadies", Platoshka started work on the second one slated to hit the screens in summer 2022. The studio is also producing a live-action Beadies Show where hosts help toddlers better master the content of the series and suggest ideas for activities, games, crafts and dance.