The series “Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds”, created by CPL Productions for Channel 4 in the UK, will see local versions of the social experiment format developed in France, Sweden and Portugal.

28 OCT 2019

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Red Arrow Studios International has secured a trio of new deals in Europe for the series “Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds”, which will see local versions of the social experiment format developed in France, Sweden and Portugal.

Originally produced by Red Arrow Studios’ company CPL Productions for Channel 4 in the UK, Canal+ in France has commissioned a four-episode local version, which will be produced by A Tableau Productions to air in 2020. In Sweden, Meter is producing four episodes to air on TV4 during 2020, while Fremantle Portugal is in production on a four-episode local version for RTP, to premiere in 2019.

Bo Stehmeier, President of Red Arrow Studios International, said: “Many countries around the world are dealing with the challenges associated with an increase in ageing populations, so ‘Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds’ is a particularly timely format which tackles an important subject head on. As the format continues to draw strong ratings internationally, we’re thrilled that audiences in Sweden, France and Portugal will also now be able to enjoy this thought-provoking, heart-warming and entertaining show”.

“Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds” attempts to dramatically improve the health and wellbeing of retirement communities by bringing together ten older residents with a group of ten four-year-old pre-school children for six weeks.

The format has been licensed to over 13 territories in just over two years, including Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Finland and Israel. The show’s original UK production has proved to be a huge hit for Channel 4, with season two ranking as the number one show of the day across its run.

We’re thrilled that audiences in Sweden, France and Portugal will also now be able to enjoy this thought-provoking, heart-warming and entertaining show” Bo Stehmeier President of Red Arrow Studios International

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