18 JAN 2022

Italian TV keeps loosing audiences in the past months

Studio Frasi revealed record drops in audiences, 3.3 million in prime time and 1.4 million on an average day. The negative trend was confirmed also by AgCom.

18 JAN 2022

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Italian TV sector is loosing audience in the last months. According to Studio Frasi data, TV negative performance was recorded for both average daily audience figures (-1.4 million compared with 2019) and in prime time (-3.3 million compared with 2019).

428,000 viewers have turned off the TV in the daily audience and others 1.3 million in prime time. The 30% of them didn't watch TV between 2021 September and December and the drop represents the 24% between viewers from 25-34 ages. In the daily audiences, the figures are similar. The drop represents -29% between 20-24 years old and -23,9 between 25-34 years old.

The trend was confirmed in the Quarterly Observatory of Italy’s Communications Authority (AgCom) that showed a drop of 1.4 million average viewers in September 2021 (-2.3 million compared to September 2017).

However, interest in free-to-air and pay-TV OTT platforms is growing, thanks to the increasingly widespread use of Smart TVs. Netflix had 8.8 million unique users in September 2021, followed by Amazon Prime Video (6.8 million); DAZN (3.4 million); and Disney+ (2.9 million).

Chili, Discovery+ and TimVision followed with less than one million unique users, while Mediaset Infinity and Now TV had 100,000 unique users each. However, TimVision and DAZN are likely to have improved their performance in the period after September, thanks to the Serie A effect.