DirecTV has launched a package aimed at viewers who watch mostly sports, the MySports skinny bundle, which will feature 40 sports and broadcast channels. It launched in 24 markets with those in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia and the San Francisco Bay Area (Oakland, San Francisco and San Jose) able to receive their local ABC, NBC and Fox affiliates. MySports can be tried with a five-day free trial. Users signing up before February 28 will get the bundle for $49.99 monthly for the first three months. After that, they will pay $69.99 monthly, with the option to cancel anytime.
“We’ve been at this journey for what amounts to maybe even a little bit more than a year, trying to figure out what it is that consumers would want, what would resonate most with them, and then translating that work into negotiations with the likes of Disney, Fox, Warner Bros. Discovery, NBC and others to make sure we had the ability to assemble that content into these smaller packages,” said Vince Torres, DirecTV’s chief marketing officer.
The MySports bundle includes the ESPN and Fox Sports Networks, the ACC, SEC and Big Ten networks, Golf Channel, TNT, TBS, TruTV, USA Network as well as the networks from the NFL, NHL, NBA and MLB. More markets and local ABC, Fox and NBC stations will be added when agreements are reached with affiliates. CBS and Paramount-owned channels are currently not included.