"The Voice," ITV Studios' show with 145 adaptations globally, will be the first TV series to participate in the Decentraland Music Festival, launching its debut Metaverse experience: The Voice VIP Superverse, created by The Virtual Brand Group. Attendees can compete in a Decentraland exclusive musical game overseen by four new Metaverse coaches, where each day, they’ll award one-of-a-kind NFT merchandise to winners.
The Voice fans from across the world will get the opportunity to engage with the show - anytime, anywhere - in an environment built for them and be part of their own musical journey in ways never dreamed of before. “'The Voice' is the biggest TV format in the world, so creating its first metaverse experience with the biggest metaverse music festival is the logical first step in creating a totally new way for fans to connect to the brand, music, and each other”, said Justin W. Hochberg, CEO of the Virtual Brand Group creator of The Voice’s Metaverse experiences.
In addition, the set of NBC’s “The Voice” will be available for selfies with Camila Cabello, John Legend, Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani, and the iconic spinning red chair as seen on set. Every attendee can claim a free “The Voice” microphone with a secret dance move (aka an “emote”). Moreover, the very first NFT originally designed “I Want You” The Voice T-shirt will be available for purchase.