Netflix has agreed to acquire Finnish mobile games developer Next Games; a studio focused on creating titles based on popular entertainment IP. The Next Games Board of Directors has unanimously recommended that shareholders accept the tender offer, and it is set to close in Q2 2022. This is Netflix's second games studio acquisition and forms part of a broader games strategy designed, in part, to boost engagement. Ampere Consumer research indicates Netflix in the US is coming under increasing competitive pressure, particularly among younger demographics, and is likely seeking to re-establish itself as the primary entertainment destination for those age groups.
Next Games has previously worked on titles related to high-profile Netflix IP such as "Stranger Things" and "The Walking Dead" and has a strong track record in the free-to-play mobile arena. As such, there is clearly an existing relationship between the two companies, and the deal signals Netflix's confidence in the ability of the developer to deliver.
This deal represents a logical strategic move for Netflix, whose strength – in part – is in its portfolio of popular video IP. Its raw content carries significant potential, but the true challenge lies in successfully converting its high-profile film and TV franchises into games. In the increasingly crowded (and lucrative) games space, Netflix has something of an advantage over the more tech-focused players like Google and Amazon because of its established content library. However, games development, and perhaps more importantly, the ongoing support of live-service games, represents a significant departure from video content production and requires deep, specific expertise.
With limited experience in game development, Netflix is seeking out studios that align with and bolster its strengths. It acquired Oxenfree creator Night School Studio late last year, whose flagship title is a story-driven, graphic adventure – content which sits near the boundary between games and video. With the acquisition of Next Games, Netflix strives to realize its vision of a holistic entertainment platform and further intertwine games and video.