Syfy confirmed plans to rebrand into Sky Sci-Fi from Tuesday 26 July. The channel has been revamped and will offer exciting new shows while still being home to a host of sci-fi classics that fans know and love. “From space adventures to futuristic fantasy, Sky Sci-Fi will be joining the host of genre-led brands launched in the past year and will offer a new universe for viewers to explore," Zai Bennett, Managing Director, Content Sky UK and Ireland, said. "The re-brand will make it easier for people to find exactly what they want, with fan favourites, a multitude of on demand content, as well as a burst of exciting new shows for sci-fi fanatics."
The channel will be linear (152) and on demand, offering hundreds of hours of pure sci-fi, fantasy and supernatural horror and superheroes – the full breadth of content dedicated to the genre will be available on Sky Sci-Fi and streaming service NOW. The modifications will take effect from 11:00am on Tuesday 26 July.
Reaching UK fans for the very first time on launch week is the release of SurrealEstate, a paranormal and spooktacular series, featuring cast members Tim Rozon and Sarah Levy The company also announced as brand new to the channel and airing in launch month, is the zombie series "Day of The Dead," inspired by George. A Romero’s horror movie, starring Keenan Tracey and Natalie Malaika. Fiction fans will still be able to find various classics, including "Star Trek," "Stargate" and "Quantum Leap." Other new classic series will also be added.
At launch, Sky Sci-Fi will offer a selection of Premiere TV movie titles such as "Bullet Train Down, Thor: God of Thunder" and Bram Stoker’s "Dracula. "The channel has also acquired Stephen King’s sought-after mini-series: IT and Salem’s Lot. The re-brand follows previous successful Sky TV portfolio changes including the unveiling of Sky Showcase and Sky Max last year and the launch of genre-based channels including Sky Comedy, Sky Crime and Sky Documentaries.