Today, at closing ceremony was held at the Grimaldi Forum during the 62nd Monte-Carlo Television Festival in Monaco.“The role of our Festival has continued to evolve over the years and is now the pre-eminent event celebrating the content business in Europe," Laurent Puons, CEO of the Monte-Carlo Television Festival said. "Through our highly respected Golden Nymph Competition we have been able to acknowledge and applaud the very best programming from around the world. The number and standard of entries we received has never been as high and I would like to thank our pre-selection committees and every one of our distinguished jury members for all their hard work in selecting the winners for 2023. I am delighted to send my congratulations to all Laureates.”
The event, hosted by American Gods star Ricky Whittle and French videographer and celebrity influencer Lena Situations, took place this evening in the Salle des Princes where winners of the prestigious Golden Nymph Awards were announced. The winners, selected from 18 nominated programs from 13 countries across the Fiction and News & Documentaries Categories as well as the Prince Rainier III Special Prize, received their awards in the presence of H.S.H. Princess Charlene. Other honors were also presented including the Prix du Public in partnership with BetaSeries, the Monaco Red Cross Prize and the AMADE Prize.
The Honorary Golden Nymph Award, the Festival’s highest accolade bestowed upon a renowned professional for their extraordinary contribution to the entertainment industry, was presented to acclaimed Hollywood producer and writer Howard Gordonby Her Serene Highness Princess Charlene of Monaco.
Over the past week, the Monte-Carlo Television Festival’s 62nd edition has been hosting a line-up of premiere screenings introduced by leading actors, studios, streaming platforms, production companies and creative teams. In and out of competition, 4 World premieres along with 4 International, 1 European and 2 French premieres were screened over the five-day Festival attended by more than 210 VIPS.
This year, 32 interactive public events took place, from screenings, to autograph signings, behind the scenes secrets and make-up sessions, allowing fans to meet featuring stars. In total more than 1500 interviews were conducted by leading print, internet and TV journalists from more than 17 countries, promoting new programs launching throughout the world in the coming months. The extended Business Content strand saw key executives debate many current and future issues and challenges facing the international entertainment and factual programming industries.