20 JAN 2021


Emmy awardwinning production and distribution company is showing “Date While You Wait” which was produced during the pandemic and the new series "Wow, I Never Knew That".

"Wow, I Never Knew That" and “Date While You Wait”


Emmy awardwinning production company David Harris Katz Entertainment is attending Natpe Miami virtually with two new original series, “Date While You Wait” and "Wow, I Never Knew That" which Is available in Spanish.

“Date While You Wait” comes from a social experiment and has become a 13-episode series, produced by David Harris Katz Entertainment during the pandemic. In June of 2015, amid the grit and grime of the New York City subway system, one man wanted to bring some fun and connection to harried commuters. For five years, Thomas C Knox decided to set up a small table and chairs and invite random strangers to sit down for a chat or to play a game while they waited for their train. He called it “Date While You Wait.”. "I am not looking for love through this venue; I just wanted a simple way for people to connect away from their phones, computers, and social media. People need this now more than ever,” Knox says. 

Within a few months of his experiment, "Date While You Wait" exploded onto social media and then onto mainstream media and it has expanded well beyond Thomas’ original concept. It seems like all of New York wanted to take part. Not only did regular folks want to join in, but so did the owners of some of New York City’s legendary institutions, including McSorley’s Old Ale House, Ferrara Bakery & Café, The Coney Island Sideshow, New York Comedy Club.


"Wow, I Never Knew That" is half-hour television series that is jam-packed with exciting tidbits and fascinating facts that uncover the truths and origins behind the stuff audiences are already familiar with. Throughout the 13-episode first season, viewers discover surprising facts about some of the most iconic international brands such as Coca-Cola, Domino’s Pizza, Haagen-Dazs, PEZ Candy, Etch-a-Sketch, and Frisbee. The series is available in both English and Spanish, and captioned.   

“Each segment moves quickly to introduce a topic, followed by compelling history and then the WOW moment.  It’s these WOW nuggets of information that often surprises the audience.  It really gets the viewer to say, 'Wow, I never knew that.'  Each episode is like an exhilarating roller coaster ride,” says editor John Fallon.

“'Wow, I Never Knew That' puts a smile on everybody’s face.  This series delivers a fun, concentrated dose of unique information that is sure to delight and amaze its viewers.  We spend our whole lives being exposed to products, phrases, and pop culture, but where did it all come from? the series is like unearthing lost treasure.  There is a magical appeal to unearthing something new about something very old to you,” says executive producer David Harris Katz.   


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