NTV’s "Wolf Trap" action-packed series premiers under the prestigious MIPTV’s Drama Buyers Summit program in an online format provided by the MIPTV Online + service. The crime drama has become the onlyRussian project chosen by the media industry experts.
“Despite the change in the MIPTV format, the organizers found an excellent way, thanks to which we can not only fully participate in the program, but also test the new online technology. Participation in the prestigious MIPTV’s Drama Buyers Summit is a kind of carte blanche from recognized industry experts. The next step is the buyers’ evaluation, and we are confident that our project has every chance to win a wide foreign audience,” says Timur Weinstein, NTV General Producer.
"Wolf Trap" is a story about Artem Volkov, the‘last hero’ of the dashing 90s. He returns to his hometown 20 years later andfinds himself in the middle of the local crime wars. He has to accept thechallenge and win the last battle, as this is the only chance for Volkov to dosomething important in his life.
In the new reality, the airing planned for the MIPTV 2020 international content exhibition will be online, for the first time ever. Buyers from all over the world will be the first viewers. With their registration badges, they will get access to the program compiled by the selection committee.
MIPTV’s Drama Buyers Summit has been taking place for 5years. During this time, the event has become one of the most prestigious venues to present premiere content to the world TV market. The program includes12 projects in various stages of production.