The CG animated comedy series will air on Clan in Spring 2025 and is currently airing on DR, Canal +, NRK, SVT, RÙV, SvYLE, Czech TV, RTV Slovenia, RTBF and RTS.
The crime drama is commissioned by the Canal+ group and Studiocanal. The 8 x 52’ series follows the rise of an all-female gang run by two sisters, set in 1950s Singapore, a city of crime at the time, and the glamorous but lawless “Wild West” of Asia. "Red Butterfly" will be filmed in English and Chinese on location in Singapore and Malaysia.
The organization will be present at the event with THEMA, a Canal+ company, Globo's distribution partner in the territory . The company brings telenovelas and series such as "Crazy About You", ‘"Justice: Misconduct" and "The Others".
On one hand, the company strengthened its ESG department with two appointments: Laura Gauthier as Head of Sustainability and Marine Schenfele as Sustainability Director of CANAL+ Europe. Additionally, Thibault Delon was appointed Chief of Staff to the CEO.