The reality show, known locally as “No Limite,” will be hosted by André Marques and in a unique twist, will feature a cast of previous “Big Brother Brasil” contestants.
The Boat Rocker preschool series, created by Matt Fernandes and produced in collaboration with Industrial Brothers, is set to launch on the streaming platform in April 2021 across the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.
Banijay’s format will arrive on Noovo and on Sunday January 10. Then, 15 Quebec personalities from all walks of life will enter the “Big Brother” house, where they will be completely cut off from the outside world.
The deals include TV2 Denmark acquiring multiple seasons of three of Cineflix Rights’ global hit shows fronted by "Property Brothers Drew" and "Jonathan Scott: Brother vs. Brother", "Property Brothers: Buying and Selling", "TheProperty Brothers at Home"; along with "The Queen’s Green Planet".