It´s a 8x30’ drama series produced by Paradoxal and Both Worlds. The series will premiere in sub-saharan Africa on Prime Video and in Germany on ARD’s SVOD service Mediatek.
"Shaun the Sheep" It will be part-financed by commissioning partners, CBBC in the UK and WDR in Germany and it will roll-out in 2025. On the other hand, "Very Small Creatures" will consist of 20 episodes, each lasting 3 minutes, and is scheduled to launch in late 2024.
The ad-supported plan will launch in Canada in April and in Australia in June. Premium tier will roll out across Europe, starting with France in March, followed by the UK, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Italy later this year.
Western European OTT TV episode and movie revenues will reach $48 billion in 2029; up from $31 billion in 2023. The UK will contribute $10 billion in 2029, Germany $9 billion, Italy $5 billion and France $7 billion.