The total pay TV services revenue in China is set to decline at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 0.5%, from US$32.9 billion in 2020 to US$32.1 billion in 2025, according to GlobalData.
Since its debut in April 2020, NBCUniversal’s streaming service Peacock has reached 54 million total signups, and it has generated more than 20 million monthly active users during the last quarter.
Revenues from pay TV and paid VOD in Germany reached a total volume of €4.2 billion in 2020, and a further increase to around €4.5 billion is forecast for 2021, according to data from Vaunet.
The network will air a series of show tailored to specific summer sports such as softball and gymnastics, while other programming will provide viewers with the most important, around-the-clock headlines related to the global event.