This intriguing Neo-Chinese animated feature, building upon the beloved story of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl, is set to hit the screen in China on July 12th, 2024.
Banijay Kids & Family Distribution confirmed multi-season deals for the Tiger Aspect Kids & Family animation in Ireland, Germany, Korea, Norway and the Netherlands.
SACD, SCAM, AnimFrance, SATEV, SPECT, SPI, USPA and SEDPA reached an agreement with TF1 group on its commitment to finance animated works, and the TFX channel’s commitment to broadcast kid’s programmes and cartoons.
Under the new name and brand identity, early Peyo characters, including “The Smurfs” and other IPs, will be revived using modern animation with new stories inspired by the original “Johan & Peewit” and “Benny Breakiron” comic books.