The Danish production company Nimbus Film, a Newen Studios subsidiary, has bought into the production company Tall and Small, which has remarked itself through its international quality tv-series.
ORF, ORF-Enterprise and Film Austria joined forces at the market where they saw a huge emand for ORF’s blue-chip UNIVERSUM Nature and History docs and TV-series.
The iconic animated kids comedy series "Zip Zip", and the global preschool hit "Simon", started airing on CCTV-14, also known as CCTV-Kids, second week of March 2022.
The industry is expected to reach 60 million pay TV subscribers by 2027, representing a decline of over 50%. IPTV and digital sets will also experience declines, while pay-tv-less households are projected to rise.
The distribution of MEZZO and MEZZO Lile HD linear TV-channels, as well as their non-linear assets, will be handled by THEMA RUS in Russian Federation starting from 1st October 2021.