Ad investment growth for YouTube is expected to resume in 2023, at more than double the rate of growth recorded in 2022, according to WARC Media’s latest “Platform Insights” report.
The value of the UK’s advertising market will grow by 9.2% in 2022, to a total of £34.9 billion, the latest Advertising Association/WARC Expenditure report has forecasted.
Global ad spend is set to reach US$880.9 billion this year – a rise of 8.3% or US$67.3 billion, according to WARC’s “Ad spend Outlook 2022/23: Impacts of The Economic Slowdown” report.
Record 26.4% growth put the UK’s ad market value at an estimated £30 billion last year, with advertising spend now set to reach £32 billion in 2022, the latest Advertising Association/WARC "Expenditure Report" has outlined.
The global ad market is on course to reach a value of US$1 trillion in 2025, with more than half of this money paid to just three companies – Alphabet, Meta and Amazon –, according to WARC Data.