Directed by Joey Travolta, The film was produced by Inclusion Films in partnership with Futures Explored and Options for All, with 70% of the crew members having developmental disabilities.
The six-part docuseries will examine the impact of NIL rights on college athletics, as seen through the eyes of some of the top athletes at Louisiana State University.
The Uruguayan channel has already shown telenovelas such as "Pantanal', 'Hidden Truths' and 'Never Give Up' and with the renewal, new premieres are planned. Currently, the productions 'Crossed Paths' and 'Land of Desire' are being shown in Uruguay.
The lineup includes "Second Nature", a TV-hour narrated by Elliott Page about sexuality and gender diversity in animals; and "#Hvaldimir, Conversation With a Spy Whale."
This includes eight feature-length fiction and one documentary film in the production or post-production stages from Southeast Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.The market offers awards funds totalling more than 160.000 Euros in cash and services.