The series "Demon’s Fall" hails from Bulgaria and serves as a spin-off of "The Devil’s Throat" and the contemporary crime-solving series "The Skarab" is coming from Greece.
The global anime hub launches will allow viewers to explore more than 18,000 hours, 46,000 episodes and films, and 3,300 Japanese music videos and concert specials.
The new sales include Stan and Nine Network (Australia), Movistar Plus+ (Spain), HBO (CEE and Baltics), PCCW for Now TV (Hong Kong and Macau), DPG Media (Belgium), A+E Networks and History Channel (Germany) and Kyivstar TV (Ukraine).
The series based on the best-selling books from Michael Bond is currently airs on CBeebies in the UK, and it will be distributed by Boat Rocker worldwide.
Jasper Moeyaert, co-founder and co-CEO of Geronimo, joins the company as Creative Producer in their ambitious quest to create high-quality content in both, local and international markets.