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ATV closes several deals around Europe, Asia, and Africa 19 JUN 2023


ATV closes several deals around Europe, Asia, and Africa

The popularity and sales of ATV's top TV shows, such as "Street Birds," "A Little Sunshine," "For MyFamily," and "The Ottoman," are on the rise in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Natpe Budapest 2023: Fighting Spirit reaches several deals in the CEE region 16 JUN 2023

Trade Shows

Natpe Budapest 2023: Fighting Spirit reaches several deals in the CEE region

The company has signed partnerships in Romania through Antena Play in Romania, Network 4 in Hungary, O2 in Czech and Slovakia, B1B in Bulgaria.
Wolfgang Link exits ProSiebenSat.1 after 14 years 13 JUN 2023


Wolfgang Link exits ProSiebenSat.1 after 14 years

Wolfgang Link, former Chief Entertainment Officer and CEO of Seven.One Entertainment Group, has decided to leave the group by best mutual agreement as of July 15, 2023, after 14 years with ProSiebenSat.1.
Annecy MIFA 2023: WIA teams up with GLAAD to present "Wia World Summit" 12 JUN 2023

Trade Shows

Annecy MIFA 2023: WIA teams up with GLAAD to present "Wia World Summit"

The seventh edition of the annual Wia World Summit took place today at the Impérial Palace Hotel, Allée de l'Impérial, 74000 Annecy.
"The Websters" enters into German market with OneGate Media as distributor 12 JUN 2023

Kids & Animation

"The Websters" enters into German market with OneGate Media as distributor

The animated film and related series have resonated in several European markets like Slovakia and the Czech Republic, and more Websters' content is ready to be launched.