The new animated film adaptation will focus on author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s life from 1940 to 1944, using a unique hybrid animation style that combines 2D watercolor and 3D oil painting aesthetics.
The CEO of the newly established Turkish production and distribution company Kunay Film shares the company's story and introduces its first ambitious feature film, “Son of a Rich”, starring Kerem Bürsin and Melis Sezen.
The British adaptation is based on the first book of Mercedes Ron’s bestselling Culpables trilogy (Culpa Mía, Culpa Tuya, Culpa Nuestra) and follows the global success of Spanish Original movie "Culpa Mia".
The series stars Cristina Castaño, Marimar Vega, Gracia Olayo and Teresa Cuesta, alongside Fernando Tejero, Javier Antón, Juanjo Cucalón and Raúl Mérida.