"The Silence of the Earth" makes international debut at MIPCOM. The documentary will feature alongside Banijay Entertainment’s diverse factual line-up for MIPCOM 2024, including the CNN original travelogue series "Eva Longoria: Searching for Spain," the feature-length documentary "Atomic People" for the BBC, and the docu-series "7/7: Three Weeks in July" for the BBC and BBC iPlayer.
VIU is a leading pan-regional over-the-top (OTT) video streaming service available in 16 markets across Asia, the Middle East, and South Africa, with over 62 million monthly active users.
Digitoonz is entering the European market with a 360º business model, focusing on original IPs, co-productions, and animation services under Maria Bonaria Fois' leadership.
Top creatives and executives from Nordic Drama Queens, Sony Pictures Television Studios, The Originals Productions, Miramax, and Palomar discussed the benefits, challenges, and market dynamics influencing their choices.
The title is an original SLR Productions’ programme, co-produced with Giggle Garage; commissioned by ABC Australia; financed by Screen Australia and the Australian Children’s Television Foundation. ZDF Studios is the international distributor excluding Australia and New Zealand which is handled by ACTF.