ITVX Premiered the series in the UK. Additional deals have been made with Warner Brothers Discovery For Southeast Asia, Senyu for China, Genial Media for Spain, and NRK for Norway.
The eight-hour drama was acquired by NRK for Norway, YLE for Finland, SVT for Sweden, DR for Denmark, and RUV for Iceland ahead of its world premier at the Rome International Film Festival.
ZDF (Germany), NPO (The Netherlands), VRT (Belgium), SVT (Sweden), DR (Denmark), YLE (Finland), RÚV (Iceland) and NRK (Norway) announce New8, the biggest drama collaboration ever.
The animated comedy adventure series will make its way to China through a partnership between Paris-based Midolala, with Youku Kids, as well as Europe through Rai in Italy, YLE in Finland, NRK in Norway and TV3 Catalonia in Spain.